Learning Care Group

Use:        Day Care
Area of Expansion:        State of Florida
Trade Area Characteristics:        Median Household Income: $100,000
Population: 75,000+ (5 mi)
Children under age 5:5,000+ (5 mi)
Median Age: 37
Located preferably near elementary schools.
Proximity to retail, restaurant, and consumer focused uses e.g. grocery, fitness center.
Avoid sites where the building will be adjacent to a cell tower and medical marijuana stores.
Criteria:        Land size: 1.25 - 2 acres +/
Freestanding, Retail, or Office 10,500 sf +/
Space for adjacent outdoor play area 8,000 sq. ft.
Building and pylon/monument signage available
Zoned for childcare by right or conditional use permit
Convenient ingress/egress, full access
Parking spaces: 40
Alexander Pick